what a great film

great acting


I Worship The Goddess Amber Tamblyn




I didn't think there were enough posts on this board and I wanted to AGREE wholeheartedly. I loved all three leads and so wanted everything to work out for all of them! When the man brought the groceries in at the end, I had hoped that we would see him hook up with Marth and then Joe and Karen would be together and they would open the school back up and lived happily ever after.

Then when Karen runs back to the house, I wanted her and Martha to live together happily in Paris or something (I thought of that at the end when Karen wears that hat ;) Then at the very end I hoped that she would walk out with Joe. I didn't care really, any of those endings would have still made me cry with happiness instead of sorrow.

This is one of the few films ever that I have found myself weeping after (the most recent other one was The Notebook which I believe also starred James Garner which I thought was interesting)

Over 40 years later and this film still stands the test of time. It has posters like us reading and typing about it! I think Shirley really should have gotten an oscar nod or something--she was fabulous as were all the characters. The writer had excellent character development!

I was initally weary of this movie as I'm not a big fan of the classic Black and White movie look but this was fabulous. Almost every piece of it was fabulous. I just loved this movie. This is the first time I've seen it and I'm sorry for gushing but it was wonderfully done in every way. Anyone who was a part of it should be very proud of their work! (sorry that sounds so cheesy!)


I agree; fantastic. Makes a change from the CG fest related films with weak story lines and bad acting we've all had to witness over the past years.


Totally agree!!! This is what Hollywood needs to get back to. Good acting and story lines.

"we're ashamed that the President of the United States is from Texas." N.M.


Yes, I just had to tell myself it was a different time. If I didn't get past that , I couldn't watch it because it would have been stupid that it even got that far.
