MovieChat Forums > The Children's Hour (1961) Discussion > Tribute(s) to Martha Dobie and The Child...

Tribute(s) to Martha Dobie and The Children's Hour

A tribute to the life and death of Martha Dobie from Lillian Hellman's "The Children's Hour." Directed by Billy Wyler in 1961. Hellman said it was about a lie---we know it's about much more than that. Thank you for teaching us to reach out, even indirectly.

Sleep now, Martha, until it is safe to wake you.

No copyright infringement intended. I only created the vids and edited the footage, I own nothing.

World Trade Center Piano Theme by Craig Armstrong in The Silent Hour. "Fix You" by Coldplay for I Will Fix You.


The Silent Hour-

I Will Fix You-


~*~"I came up from the dark without you, and every day since has been in shadow.~*~
