
What is your opinion on her as a character?


This film was so bad, so bad, so awfully plain bad.

You'd have to have lived through the sixties--as a very young kid, hippie, adult with a family--to know how self-satisfied that decade was toward the end. The era was revolting, as this movie is.

I started and stopped it at least ten times, and then finally let it play while I was cleaning. Audrey Hepburn was the Natalie Portman of her day--way way overhyped as an actress and as a sophisticate.

Then she throws the cat out of the car, and the bimbo-guy professes undying love.

What a piece of *beep*


Where and when did I ask for your opinion of this movie as a whole or of Audrey Hepburn? Not only that, but you also completely dodged the question I originally asked. Learn to read.
The movie can't be "so bad, so plain awfully bad" if it has a 88% on Rotten Tomatoes. 88% is pretty high, and there's a reason why it's so highly regarded by people.
"Overhyped" as an actress? That's not Audrey Hepburn and Natalie Portman; that sounds more like Elizabeth Taylor and Ellen Page. Audrey and Natalie are brilliant. And how can someone be "overhyped" in sophistication?


"Learn to read."

Unbelievable . . .


She is a total mental case. Paul is a fool to marry her. There will be nothing but misery ahead.
