MovieChat Forums > L'année dernière à Marienbad (1962) Discussion > Which English subtitles are the most acc...

Which English subtitles are the most accurate?

This film has fascinated me for more than 22 years and continues doing so. I first saw it when I was 17 and of course it was completely lost on me. Rediscovering it in my late 20s I've made a point of watching it at least twice a year since then but with the recent addition of the Criterion edition I’m flummoxed over the slight variances in the translation of the subtitles.

The first DVD I bought was the R1 Fox Lorber release, which for some inexplicable reason continues selling for exorbitantly daft sums. Odd, considering it's not anamorphic and the worst transfer of the lot.

Then came Optimum's R2 DVD, which was beautifully rendered with subtitles that are much easier on the eye.

I’ve always considered the flow of words on Optimum’s release to be more natural but often wondered which of the two was more accurate for the English tongue.

I confess to being a double, triple, even quadruple dipper but only for titles that are important to me or when something significant on a new release makes the additional investment worthwhile; so, when Criterion’s even more beautifully mounted director-approved double-discer arrived it was a no brainer (and it's packaged in pure white embossed digi-pack). However, Criterion has caused me further consternation because their subtitles render certain lines that segue words from both the Fox Lorber and Optimum releases. It’s not the best example but here are three lines I culled from DVD Beaver to illustrate what I mean:


Fox Lorber DVD
“A few seconds more and it will finally be frozen…”

Optimum DVD
“In a few moments, it will freeze”

Criterion DVD
“A few seconds more and it will solidify”

I wish I spoke fluent French so I could decipher these subtle nuances; not to get a better understanding of the film – after at least 40 viewings I’m still no closer to unfurling Marienbad’s meaning (if it’s truly meant to have “meaning” in conventional plot terms) but would love to know if there are any French or French-speaking board members that have seen two or all three of these releases and can shed some light on the accuracy or at least their preferred version of the subtitles not taking the transfer into account (although I think the Criterion wings it over the Optimum in spite of the fact Optimum’s release looks sharper to me, but that might be down to the old quibble that PAL looks slightly better than NTSC).

I can’t wait to get a Blu ray player (still saving for the 50 inch Panasonic “Kuro” plasma due out soon) as I understand the BD of Marienbad is jaw-dropping.

If anyone has any comments they’ll be most welcome.
