Why would imdb let someone put up that pretentious 'plot'?
"The point of this film is that the leading character and the audience are experiencing the feeling of deja vu throughout. The plot itself is not really important."
And this is what is represented on the main page?
I can get this crap from the guy who sits next to me in film class. The film doesn't need to be exlained to me in the synopsis, what happened to the original summary? Imdb is classier than this. Not to be snooty, this is coming from a guy who's favorite film is Maximum Overdrive. But c'mon, people. They shouldn't let that get up there. I like this site far too much to see crap like that up there.
On another note, the film was excellent and I'm watching it again tonight!
"I've seen things in this city that make Dante's Inferno read like Winnie The Pooh."