Last lines of the film

I do not speak french but know a few words so of course I watched the subtitled version and this is bugging me. The movie ends with them forever wandering the garden in the night and I could swear that the very last three words spoken in french are "seuls avec moi" which would mean 'alone with me' but they are not translated into the subtitles. I think they are substantial enough words to be included in the subtitling. Am I just hearing things or are these words left out? I know, I know, a surreal dream-like enigma of a movie and my issue is with the subtitling. I just think alone with me would add to the stark ambiance of the end scene and what he is saying.


Where did you watched it? When I was in New York I brought this on Criterion's Blu-Ray for my friend who doesn't speak French, "alone with me" was definitely in the subtitles.


I got it from net-flix in blu ray, I think. Watched it again, and the last lines translate as this...
At first glance it seemed impossible to lose your way, at first glance. Down straight paths between statues and frozen gestures and granite slabs, where even now you were losing your way, forever, in the stillness of the night..... He then says Seuls avec moi with out any subtitles appearing.... Fin

In my very limited knowledge of French, I at least had some idea that these words have been said and what they meant but again with limited knowledge wasn't sure I could trust my ears. Could you ask your friend to pop in his blu ray and skip to the end and confirm that those subtitles are there? Not like it is a huge deal but it really does contribute to the end of the narration. It changes it from just saying she has lost her way in the garden to him saying you are wandering the garden forver alone with me.


It's definitely there.


Yes, the final phrase, after starting to describe the garden are: "où vous étiez maintenant, déjà en train de vous perdre pour toujours dans la nuit tranquille, SEULE AVEC MOI" ;) so nop, you weren't hearing things
