'For goodness sake!'

That's the phrase that beautiful Nancy Kwan keeps repeating throughout this very fine film.

What I liked more than anything else was the chemistry between William Holden and Kwan. When I saw Holden get off the boat at Hong Kong, I was hoping that he wouldn't turn out to be the love interest. He was far too old, I told myself. Yet Holden and Kwan made an ideal couple.

The acting kudos have to go to Kwan. Suzie is adorable; a street-wise girl with a big dose of innocence.

No comments about Nancy Kwan should fail to mention her dynamite legs. She is only 5'3" tall but looking at her legs as she poses for Holden, you would swear she was six feet tall.

A delightful movie, that is touching but never sad. The death of Suzie's baby is treated tastefully and with great dignity.

"See, Paw? I told you he shouldn'ta worn pumps when he was a baby."


antpaste, would you consider deleting/editing your last sentence?

I don't think I want to go to the pictures. Oh?Why not? I've seen everything worth seeing.
