too dated and lame

This tired old style horror film is the perfect epitome of the lameness of horror films from that time ('50s & early '60s). There is a lot of tedious and boring prattle and lead up to a half-assed finale with cheap effects.
Explanatory exposition was too slow and detailed back then. Although things have generally improved, there are also draw backs to the current methods, but at least we get to the action and have better special effects now.


Just curious if you are under 30 years of age? The desire to skip the plot for action and cgi doesn't make for a great movie. It just seems like younger generations like to spoon fed on those two things and they consider that a great movie.


I read that younger people actually prefer CGI effects to look like a video game rather than real because of their obsession with playing games. "Wasp Woman" has low-budget effects, but the plot, character development, and dialog more than make up for it.


No, I know exactly what the OP is saying.**SPOILERS** This is not a "great movie". We see over an hour of pointless banter with secretaries, telephone operators, etc and at the end do we get the wasp in the poster? Ha! We get a dark, blurry, shaky close up of an awful mask that looks more like Wolfman than a wasp. Then the movie just ends suddenly like they ran out of film (probably what happened).
That's what the OP is talking about. This is typical of monster movies I've seen from that era. I would have been happy if they'd have at least made her into a 3 foot model wasp. She wouldn't have even had to attack people. Just being a wasp in a cage would have been horrific enough. I understand shoestring budgets but a lot of productions back then didn't even try.


It's great 1950s cheese
