Something I noticed the other day...
...when I was re-watching the pristine DVD version of The Twilight Zone, Time Enough At Last: After the atomic holocaust, when Burgess Meredith has discovered the Public Library, and is stacking up books, the set it's filmed on is the steps of the Palace of Green Porcelain from The Time Machine. Both The Time Machine and Time Enough At Last were probably filming at around the same time. Among the rubble strewn upon the stairs (besides all the books) is a recognizable piece of Morlock machinery - that stack of art-deco style metal rings from atop the machinery down in the caverns. I'm surprised I'd never noticed before.
Whilst exploring the subject of Time Machine influences on other science fiction, there's the similarity between the Sphinx and Star Trek's Salt Monster from the episode The Man Trap:
Understandable, since they were both designed by Wah Chang of Projects Unlimited.
§« The Sleep of Reason Produces Monsters. »§