Plot hole (writer's error, probably the scriptwriter and not HG Wells himself). You're right it wouldn't and shouldn't effect him.
I read the book in 1999 when I was a junior in high school. My memory might be flawed but I don't believe there was a nuclear war in the book and of course nuclear weapons did not exist when it was written. I don't believe The Operator was in a mountain in the book either.
Continuing, the time machine shouldn't have been rocked by the bombing of London during World War II. Also, George shouldn't have heard the air raid siren during World War III immediately before London was destroyed by an atomic bomb in the mid-1960's and other noises from the outside while he was time traveling. And further, even if he could hear the air raid siren while time travelling it would've only lasted for a fraction of a second from George's point of view. In the amount of time the movie shows George hearing that sound he should've traveled through months or years of time.