Anybody else have that thought when watching this movie now-a-days? When you look around at how most people are fattened,unhealthy, care-free dependent on drugs, and want free hand outs. I'm not saying everyone but I think more and more are turning into this. The government is the morlocks fattening us with GMO's,and other bastardized hybridized processed large foods that make us unhealthy and trying to turn us into a society totally dependent on them. Maybe movie was really prophetic in a loose way just like soylent green and how everything we consume has some sort of soy product in it lol. Maybe the eating us part will happen down the road lol.
You Americans and your hatred of government! Wells was a Fabian socialist and he meant the Eloi to be the future of the capitalist class, and the Morlocks the future of the working class. Today, that would translate to the Eloi being the 1%, the Morlocks the rest of us.
The people making you fat and unhealthy are the Big Food people, not government, a necessary evil. In enlightened societies, it's more useful than evil.
Soylent Green has nothing to do with soy. Don't you know what Soylent Green is? Soylent Green is PURPLE!
So you are saying making people unhealthy is a necessary evil? or the government is?? Ya its useful for making money for big pharma, doctors, government. Not us morlocks. I still see average american as eloi because they were lazy and had free handouts lol. Also I see them as morlocks because they are dumb and cant see the light(the big picture of what is happening to them)(Government over reaching its powers and trying to control everything._)
One can read anything into the text. Wells himself explicitly meant the Eloi to be the descendants of the upper class and the Morlocks to be the descendants of the working class. The movie obscures this distinction. Personally while I enjoy Wells' work, I tend to ignore the socialist ideas presented therein much as I do when reading Jack London.
While varying from Wells' ideas, yours is an analogy others have made, I'm sure.
It should be noted Wells has the Time Traveler side with the Eloi and befriend Weena despite the implication of her ancestry versus the Morlocks'. By novel's close, both races are extinct as arthropods grow to enormous sizes and take over the world--or at least the part the Time Traveler is in.
Requiescat in pace, Krystle Papile. I'll always miss you.
One can read anything into the text. Wells himself explicitly meant the Eloi to be the descendants of the upper class and the Morlocks to be the descendants of the working class. The movie obscures this distinction.
I think you are correct. In the movie the Eloi are the descendants of the people who decided to try to remain on the surface of the earth after the war in spite of the loss of oxygen in the atmosphere and the pollution of it with deadly germs. Over hundreds of millennia they must've adapted to breathing less rapidly and to the germs, or perhaps the atmosphere and the eco-system healed. Since George didn't seem to have trouble breathing and didn't get sick I suspect it's the latter.
The Morlocks are the descendants of the people who went to live underground after the war to begin a new way of life for humans down below.
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