Time machine owner's manual
Inspired by Youtube postings of people who have built full size working replicas of the time machine and are offering them for sale, I thought of what an owner's manual might look like, based on how it operates in the movie. I invite others' contributions and edits.
Time Machine® by Wells-Pal Industries
Owners Manual/Tips for Operation:
1. To operate move lever upward to go forward in time, downward to go backward. If you are not noticing movement increase speed while paying closer attention to burning candles and clocks.
2. Movement through time may cause intoxicating effects. This may induce some operators to increase their speed. This is normal.
3. Time travel will allow you to observe acquaintances' behavior in an accelerated manner, which may give you pause to comment on their personal habits.
4. When traveling forward be prepared for changes in fashion as these may challenge your sensibilities.
5. Avoid prolonged periods of observing the technical achievements of the future as this can delay your escape from the misuse of these technologies.
6. To avoid serious injury from molten lava make sure machine is operating normally. Do not slow down or stop machine until solidified rock has fully eroded.
7. Ease lever slowly, never make abrupt stops. Doing so can cause instability and may result in being thrown from machine.
8. Do not leave machine unattended for long periods of time. Wells-Pal Industries is not responsible for machines lost or stolen by subhuman cannibals.
9. ?
PS: It's a slow day.
Auto-Tune is not a genre, please stop treating it as such.