Here's what is possibly the first battery (1800).
But, as I recall, a featurette emphasized the crystal in the handle as some kind of force, or science-magic, behind the basic working of the TM. And, as I recall, he adjusts the crystal-knobbed handle, and the TM moves through time, forward or backward.
We don't really know if the TM was "powered", in the sense that a motor turned the big wheel, and that associated mechanisms propelled the TM through time. It may have been that the crystal did the time-travel magic, and the big wheel just turned in response to the time-travel force.
It could be argued that, since the movie did not show us a battery and motor, that they are not a part of the story, and cannot be assumed. We saw the crystal handle, and that seemed to be emphasized as the driver.
The story is king.