Ages of the Eloi?
I love this movie and have seen it more than once. Yesterday I was watching it, and something came to mind I couldn`t understand.
ALL the Eloi appear to be the same age, around 20 something, right? We know there are no old ones because they never get the chance to grow old due to being killed as Morlock food. But why are there no children, babies, pre-teens?
If they are being "bred like cattle" as George states, where are the babies? Inside the buiding somewhere? Who takes care of them? The Morlocks? That doesn`t seem likely? Are they just kept inside the building until they reach maturity and then released when they can reproduce?
And if the only purpose of the Eloi is to become food for the Morlocks, wouldn`t they eat the male Eloi first? I mean, they would serve no purpose except to impregnate the females so they wouldn`t need as many. And where are the pregnant Eloi? It seems like they take an awful lot of them underground at once, so I would think they would need to keep the turnover pretty high. Unless they eat the children also and let enough grow up to re- breed them?
Am I missing something obvious or just over-thinking this?