MovieChat Forums > The Time Machine (1960) Discussion > The phoney looking morlocks

The phoney looking morlocks

Didn't it bother anyone besides myself how ridiculous and unreal the morlocks looked?? Such a great fantasy film spoiled by these silly and unbelievable creatures?? It didn't bother me years ago when viewing it but now with all the modern technology the film however great it is looks phoney and in parts stupid!


Unreal? They're not real to us, now, but after 800,000 years of retrograde evolution, the differences would be feasible.

The story is king.


Thank you for the comment! It does make sense!


They do alot more for the imagination than any of the phony cgi of the 2002 film


It was made in 1960. Considering that the movie actually won an Academy Award for it's special effects (which where advanced for their time), I think they did a fine job. This was also the big era of monster movies in America, so the hulking, bluish-green Morlocks fit audience perceptions.

I love the movie and have it on DVD at home. It's a classic George Pal Sci-Fi/Fantasy movie that current film students should watch. It is also far superior to the remake done in 2002. That was just awful.


I have to admit, I've never much cared for the far future sequences in this film. I think the Victorian era scenes are lovely, and the time machine itself (and George's initial time journeys) is delightful, but the fun trickles away somewhat when Yvette Mimieux and the morlocks enter proceedings (the design of the morlocks is fine). Truth be told, I felt more or less the same way about the book.


The Morlocks looked fine. Anyway, special effects should be judged by the time in which the film was made. Did the filmmakers do the best they could with what was available then, and what the budget allowed? If the answer is yes, then we should enjoy & appreciate what they gave us on its own terms.
