MovieChat Forums > Swiss Family Robinson (1960) Discussion > The sons are so familiar looking

The sons are so familiar looking

Even as a kid, I always thought I'd seen these actors before, but now that I'm reminded of it, and with IMDb, I can't find anything these kids have been in that I remember seeing. They must just look like your standard 1950s Leave It to Beaver type actors, I guess.

And the little kid reminds me of Corey Feldman-meets-Turtle (from D.A.R.Y.L.), so I easily figured that one out.


All 3 well are know actors, each had lots of acting chops... you may know them from their past roles.

Youngest Francis Robinson: The younger son in Ol' Yeller

Middle Ernst ... The older main son in in Ol' Yeller

Eldest Fritz, all I'll say is "Book'em Dan'o" Da Da dadadada Da

in VA


At one point, Fritz is seen hollowing out a canoe...
