I find the main jacket picture for the Swiss Family Robinson DVD curious. Most people know how Disney and his production team put the skids on Tommy Kirk's promising movie career when they discovered his secret life as a young gay teen.
But here it is years later and the DVD appears. Who is depicted on the cover? Mr. and Mrs. Robinson (John Mills and Dorothy McGuire) and the two sons played by James McArthur and Kevin Corcoran, but not Tommy's character. Yes, if you look at the smaller photos, if you can remember how Tommy was costumed, and if you get out your magnifying glass you can see him. But why did the DVD producers select the one family picture without Tommy? I don't want to think he is still being punished, but it makes me wonder. If I were Tommy I would feel hurt each time I looked at the coverof the DVD.
Anyway, Tommy gives a wonderfully appealing performance in this film. I hope he knows he still has a lot of fans who remember him very well. Thanks, Tommy, for this and all your other performances.
Actually, Tommy Kirk was 24 when he made his last Disney movie, hardly a teenager.
I read an interview with him in which he admitted that as an adult he had a tryst with an teenage boy and the boy's parents threatened the Disney company and that's why he was fired. Kirk had no ill-will against the company.
Also, Kirk has done commentary and been in documentary extras.
And also, they've just released THE MONKEY'S UNCLE as a Disney exclusive for their video club.
I know. When I found out about the way they fired him for his sexuality, I was shocked and angry. They wouldn't get away with something like that now! (Or I hope not). It's so politically inccorrect. It must hurt to think how your career was killed because of something which is your private life and shouldn't affect your career anyway. God, it makes me so angry that people can do that sort of thing to each other!
Speaking as fan of Tommy Kirk especially as an actor, I read the break through interview with him recently and he did openly admit that when he was twenty four he was seeing a fifteen year old boy and (naturally, as any parents would be concerned about their child seeing a person ten years older) contacted Disney about their displeasure of Tommy seeing a boy that many years younger. Granted, I'm sure his sexuality was a bit of an issue for the parents because that is one prejudice that is still going strong today, however Tommy wasn't completely innocent and the biography on imdb is misleading. Also, Tommy also admitted at this time he started to experiment with drugs which most certainly ruffled some feathers of others in the studio, most notably his co-star Fred McMurray who was a close personal friend of Walts.
Once again, I'm a pretty big fan of tommy kirk as an actor and hold him in very high regard, but it actually wasn't a homophobic hate crime by Disney for they certainly did have some legitmate reasons for letting him go. Unfortunately, the Duke and Disney heavily exposed his experimenting with drugs and sexual escapades which smeared his reputation and made it difficult for the young actor to find work. Shame. And, to whoever said firing someone for being gay is politically incorrect, will you're dead wrong. It's called a homophobic hate crime or discrimination. Political incorrectness is having a sense of humor about diversity, not being afraid of satire or simply not being very prudent in your manner of speaking. Ruining somenes career for being a certain is being prejudice, learn the difference before giving my favorite people a bad name.
This is very interesting information. I did read someplace that the 15 year old boy was actually a new young actor Disney had brought aboard to groom for stardom, and there was an incident right at the studio. However, this could be totally off-base, or maybe there was more than one?
I do believe that Tommy had talent, and should have had a longer and much more satisfying career. It is wonderful to listen to Tommy and James MacArthur as well as director Ken Annakin reminisce about the filming of Swiss Family Robinson on the commentary of the DVD.
If a 24 year old actor is using a movie set full of children to procure minors for sex, I think Disney had no choice other than to fire him or turn him in to the law. Tommy Kirk should consider himself lucky that Disney let him off easy.
Robert Reed had a very long and distinguished career as TV and stage actor. Like many actors, his homosexuality was an open secret in Hollywood. Everyone who worked with him was aware of it, but he was a talented and professional actor and thus his private life didn't effect his career. The same goes for Rock Hudson, Charles Laughton, Montgomery Clift, and a host of other gay/bisexual actors- everyone in Hollywood knew about their sexuality but they always found work. And back then even the tabloids were willing to play ball with the studios and keep certain things private.
Tommy Kirk's demise at Disney apparently had more to do than just his sexuality being exposed. He was 24 yrs old and he was carrying on with a 15 yr old? I'm sorry, but Kirk got-off pretty lightly just being fired. That's Chris Hansen territory- "Why don't you take a seat over there, Mr. Kirk. So, what are you doing here?" Statutory rape doesn't care if the offender is gay or not. Kirk was lucky not having his entire life ruined, not just his career.
I can't say I noticed that. Dissapointing if true, but I have a hard time believing that Disney Studios is carrying out Disney's standing orders regarding a social stance and grudge.
It may be that since Kirk wasn't part of the family as such, he is therefore not portrayed. Just a guess on my part.