Everytime I Think I've Heard Everything
I just read that TCM, back in March, aired an evening of "offensive" films, followed by discussions of PC twaddle. Films such as "Gone With the Wind" and "Breakfast at Tiffany's" were picked apart for their depictions of race. Okay. Whatever floats your boat.
In this same article, I read they included "Psycho", as it supposedly addresses trans people. Uh-huh.
I hate to break it to the LGBTPC crowd, but Norman Bates is NOT trans. Nor is he gay. He is a very sick young man (trans people aren't sick) who is so traumatized by his upbringing that he can't face the fact that his mother is dead and that he must kill the women he is sexually attracted to.
I wonder which programming bozo designated "Psycho" as a film about transgender issues.
Could be any of a number of bozos. After all, we now live in a world where Mr. Potato Head is no longer Mr. Potato Head, as it's apparently offensive for this classic toy to be a boy.