Always think is it such a sad commentary on the state of ...
Western, mostly American, movies/cinema/literary arts that garbage like Psycho is taken so seriously ... because it is not.
This is a case of Hollywood made something, and then a media industry around it hypes it and people eventually accept it as something when most of it is nothing. Kids today grew up before the seams of this oppression were visible, so garbage is the only think they have to compare with, and they don't understand the history or what went on before. This is a global tragedy of dehumanization.
This did not used to be true in the past. Movies and the industry spoke for itself. But today there are all these websites about movies, and half or maybe more of the comments are shilling trolls trying to make people think stuff that is absolute garbage has some value in watching.
Psycho is such the perfect example of this. It is completely ridiculous, based on nothing, and no literary statement or qualities.