Cosmo Cramer?

When watching E.G. for the first time this past weekend, I couldn't help but think that the TV Seinfeld's "Cramer" character has a lot in common with Elmer Gantry, especially early on in the movie: messy hair, colorful clothing, fake smile. Elmer is a complete "hipster dufus"!

Maybe the actor who played Cramer took a lot from this movie.


You make an excellent point, especially with the hair. I couldn't tell whether Elmer was attractive or homely. Hipster doofus indeed!


You both have spent too much time watching television.


Interesting, because at one point, I think when Elmer was laughing, that I actually visualized Kramer. Maybe Michael Richards is a fan of this movie? I definitely saw Kramer in Elmer at that moment.
