MovieChat Forums > 13 Ghosts Discussion > Where have all the showmen gone?

Where have all the showmen gone?

William Castle may not be in the same league as Robert Wise (Who directed 'The Haunting' and not Castle as erroneously stated in a review for this film)


What he did have was true Grand Guignol showmanship!

Can you think of a modern director who would have a yellow line to a cowards booth offering a refund for anyone too chicken to sit through a horror film?

Can You think of contemporary film maker who would rig cinema seats to a static generator to give the audience a 'buzz' during a shock scene?

I hear George Lucas is going to re-release the Star Wars films in 3-D.
Nice try George but how about pumping talc out the screen during the Hoth battle? Or letting off fireworks during the Death Star run, or having a machine throw mutilated teddy bears into the audience during the Ewok battles. Heck you could reanimate Castle greatest moment by electrocuting random audience members while the Emperor goes all sparky on Mark Hamill.


I'm not usually one to bump but it is a subject close to my heart so here goes.


electrocuting random audience members

Since when do people get death penalty for seeing a movie?

Have you thought of those with health complications?

Althought the yellow line is a good idea...


Sadly, in today's litigious society, William Castle's films would probably bring class-action lawsuits from people with scorched fannies.


In the old old days, carnivals and fairs often had a "shock" machine. Pay your coin and hold on as long as possible.

So people have been paying for the "death penalty" long before movies were invented.


The cynicism of the 70s still dominates today. Showmen went down with the Innocent Age, especially the clean family fun variety.
