MovieChat Forums > 13 Ghosts Discussion > What were the 13 ghosts in the original?

What were the 13 ghosts in the original?

well the ghosts for the remake were created just for the remake right? The black zodiac ghosts.

I haven't seen the original but I really am curious to what they all were. I heard that they are really lame and at the begining they show all 13 ghosts.. except the last one.. which we all know from the remake. I asume the 13th is the same.. but what about the others?

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We never really find out much about the ghosts (speaking from the original, which is the only verson I'll watch), save for two; Emilio, the chef, and The Amazing Shadrack, the lion tamer. Apart from those two, Ben, the lawyer handling Dr. Zorba's will, and Dr. Zorba himself are two of the ghosts.

As to the identities of the ghosts from the horrible remake, you can find out all about them at


speaking from the original, which is the only verson I'll watch
Meaning you havent seen the remake that you say is horrible?



Sadly, I've watched both versions. The newer one has been 'pimped' out to fit the marketing standards of Hollywood (which have exponentially declined over the years).



Wait... I thought it was
1-Screaming Woman
2-Clutching Hands
3-Floating Head
4-Flaming Skeleton
6-The wife
7-The lover of the wife
8-executioner and head
9-Hanging Woman
11- Tamer
12-Dr. Zorba
13- Lawyer


Those are from the first movie. The original. And they were far more effective in my opinion.


I liked the remake better. They ghosts had more of a back story. It was a popcorn romp. Both were, but I dug the tongue in cheek a bit more....


i agree...i loved the origonal i grew up watching it i felt pi$$ed wen they remade it cuz there wasnt a reason to.. it was great and we had enough gory movies ..and for them to just hack an origonal like that sucked

"I memorized the color of your eyes as I lost myself inside you'


I agree with nightmaretony. The remake, while 'pimped out' did a much better job at fleshing out the back story of the ghosts. I know you like the old school stuff, and that's all well and good, but you shouldn't dismiss something just because it's a remake.


Are there any pics of the original ghost?


I Like The Remake Better.


When I was 6, I remember watching the original in Brooklyn 1960 at the RKO Theater. I make it as far the ticket counter, turned and ran out of the lobby, into the street, and all the way home. Watch the remake last night for the second time. Liked it better, although the lawyer character seemed pretty lame.Two older movies from the past that still have the chill factor: The Thing (1952) and The Haunting (early 1960s). Happy horror viewing.


The Haunting - no moview has freaked me out more! Especially the hand holding scene.

The new 'The Haunting' from a few years back was insulting and a complete waste of Liam Neesons abilities IMO.


I hated this movie, and I hate the remake, which I was really sad about not liking in the original since I tend to love films like it. One of my favorite films ever is The Tingler.

The best part of waking up is Satan in your cup.


Just watched this movie, LOVED IT! I watched the remake last year, LOVED IT! Of course, I have a thing for Tony Shalhoub, so that increased my enjoyment. The original reminded me of TV series The Munsters (wasn't that the house?). Also reminded me of Beetlejuice, where the living family tries to get along with the ghosts. It seems I liked the cheesiness of the film, since it has all the cliches in it. I usually don't like horror films, but this I think I remember from the afternoon movies on channel 7 in the seventies. I'm gonna go watch The Tingler next. That's on this digital box I just got.

Velvet Voice


I was wondering. What do you mean that the family were trying to get along with the ghosts? Were they trying to be nice to them in order to survive?


One might say, with concurrent validity, that one should dismiss something just
because its a remake.


The deal with classic horror remakes is that today instead of scaring you, they just try to gross you out and have an excuse to use all their CGI.


Why watch the horrible one? If you know that they changed everything, except the name of the film, there isn't any reason to sit through the thing to confirm it.


I remember Emelio the cook, his wife and mom-in-law, a headless liontamer and lion, Uncle Zorba, the three burn victims in the basement, a whirling 'fire-fan' spirit, and I think headless figure and chopper (at the very end); that's 12, and Ben makes ...


I just watched the film and you are correct.

If we can save humanity, we become the caretakers of the world
