MovieChat Forums > 13 Ghosts Discussion > One part that's always bothered me.

One part that's always bothered me.

I love this movie and think it's great and very fun to watch, but only one scene has always bothered me. Buck is mentioned to have every book ever printed relating to ghosts and is obsessed with books about the supernatural. Right before they are going to do the séance he asks Medea all sorts of questions and act like he's never even heard of a séance. Shouldn't someone who has every book about ghosts in existence be an expert on séances? Maybe I'm being nit-picky but every time I watch the movie I find myself getting irritated by that one scene.


Bad writing. I have not seen this version since I was like 11 or 12 (late 80s/early 90s) , but I knew then what I was getting into, and it was low grade, b-movie horror. So your comment does not suprise me. I have to chek this out again as a adult!


Never really thought about it. My guess is Buck's books are all the fictional ghost story varieties, none of that 'true case' stuff which you WOULD be more likely to find information on a seance from. I've read a few volumes of ghost stories and they NEVER mention seances.


I think that strictly speaking it isn't a ghost that is contacted at a séance. It is a spirit that comes through at a medium's request. So that it is a spirit that is invited from Beyond. A ghost is one who lurks about on our plane. A ghost is not invited and is not at anyone's bidden call.
