That sad organ music

I'm sure you've heard that sad music they play on an organ during some emotional scenes. It sounds like the theme song just played in a sad, slow way. When I was younger, that music used to really get to me. I'm serious, I would be on the verge of tears sometimes when I heard it. What did the rest of you think of that music?

"There will be blood. Oh, yes! There will be blood."-Jigsaw; "Saw II"


That sad music REALLY tugged at my heart strings in the "Christmas Flintstone" episode.

It was when Fred realized he had left his own Christmas presents in Santa's sled. But, by the time he realized it, the elves were LONG gone.

Joker's Wilde

Michigan State Spartans = 2014 Rose Bowl Champions!!!


It's actually the ORIGINAL made it as late as the final (6th) season premiere "No Biz like Showbiz" when Fred reveals his dream throughout about the babies being famous.

MAGIC=Sarah Silverman.


Going off of memory (it's been a long time since I've seen it), but they most likely played the same music when Fred lost Dino when he signed that Sassie contract.


I know exactly the music you mean. It is sad and moved me a lot whenever I heard it as a kid.

Another piece I always liked is the music we heard in at least one other episode. Remember the kind of bouncy, violin (?) tune we heard when Fred was sleeping, outside & in mid-air, as his fairy godmother poked him awake with her wand? Did we ever hear that music in any other episodes?

Marriage is between one man and one woman, to the exclusion of all others.


The sad music still can get to me to this day! Love alot of the music in The Flintstones/Hanna Barbara cartoons.


I think that music was played when Fred was in jail, for some reason, on his bday and Barney brought him a cake and Fred starts to cry.

But that music was usually followed by peppy happy music if I remember right, when the sad issue was resolved.

Create a society in which you would like to live, not knowing what you're going to come into it as.


That was another cue that like the organ music stayed through the last season even as the music changed with the music director switch (Hoyt Curtin to Ted Nichols).That was the first made episode, "The Swimming Pool". "Happy birthday, bosom buddy, lifetime friend, close pal Fred!". Ah...

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Twitter account:SJCarras
MAGIC=Sarah Silverman.
