In fact, just a few scenes were pre-recorded and lip synched--primarily the scenes with the saucer and the aliens at the beginning and the end. Several of the actors in those scenes remember speakers attached to the camera, playing the dialog from some source, probably a tape recorder. However other actors (including Dawn Anderson who plays Betty and who is in most of the film) say they never lip syched during filming and remember looping the dialogue after the film was edited.
The entire film was shot MOS (without sound) and most of it was looped by the actors in the makeshift basement studio of Gene Sterling, who played the alien Leader with an obvious fake beard. Sterling was one of the investors in the film and most likely helped operate the camera while director/producer/writer/editor Tom Graeff appeared in the role of the reporter Joe. When Graeff wasn't acting in a scene, he was operating the camera.
I've watched the film several times, paying attention to the synch and the sound and I have to admit that I don't hear the tinniness that the previous poster mentioned. The synch is damn near perfect, except in a few places (like the scene where the drunk, played by Bob Regas, sees the approaching Gargon and calls to report it).
I'm writing a book on Graeff and the making of Teenagers and have found that there are a lot of "urban legends" associated with the story that have little basis in fact.
The real story is even more interesting than the legends.