Easily Solved

All they had to do was tell Aurora what was going to happen on her 16th birthday and then sedate her and tie her up and lock her in a room for that entire day and she would have been fine. Maleficent simply said she'd prick her finger before the sun set on her 16th birthday, why take her away from her parents for 16 years of her life? Do you really think that she'd have much of a connection her parents after that?

Dragonzord! Mastodon! Pterodactyl! Triceratops! Saber Toothed Tiger! Tyrannosaurus!


Oh yeah, what a great story THAT would make.


Very late reply, but you are wrong. She would prick her finger before the sun set on her 16th birthday. That doesn't mean during the 24 hours of her 16th birthday. It means from the day of her birth until the sun sets on her 16th birthday.

Look at the words. If Maleficent had found her before that day and hour, she would cause Aurora to prick her finger.


I wonder if the wording was the same, in the original fairy tale?

Because if it wasnt, her parents sent her away for 16 years, because of a threat that would only pose a danger for one day. And they're dumbasses.


There are likely so many versions we will never know the original. It is also likely that the curse is worded differently in most of them.
