sister luke

i watched the nun's story the other day for the umpteenth time and got to wondering what happened to her after she left the order. i have searched the web trying to find information but have come up empty. has anyone any information on this and also what happened to dr. fortunati? ever the romantic, i like to think they found each other later on. probably not. i know the movie was also a book but have not read it and wondered if it may have shed more light on the subject. thanks for any input.


the book refers to her going on to work with the resistance (remember the address the young girl gives her when she tells her she is leaving the convent?) but doesn't elaborate.
A couple of years ago I read soemwhere that the nun the book was based on actually stayed in the religious life and went back to Africa after the war. Audrey Hepburn met her while filming sequences in the Congo. I can't verify this as Ican't rember where i saw this.


When I first saw The Audrey Hepburn Story it showed Audrey meeting Sister Luke. At the end of this movie, it showed Sister Luke leaving the Nunhood ( or whatever the proper name it is called.) I got confused because when Audrey met Sister Luke in The Congo during the taping of the movie, I thought that she was dressed as a Nun. I just saw The Nun Story on DVD two days ago.


For Those About to Rock (We salute You)


I found this page on the web that gives a short biography of 'Marie-Louise Habets':
