A simpler world or a simplistic movie?
I watched the movie and I am torn between two different positions: the movie either depicts the real 1950-60 which was a much simpler world or it depicts an unreal fantasy. The world that you see in the movie is so different and simple: the police don’t investigate things properly and are fooled easily by criminals; someone can walk straight into the UN to see an ambassador without going through any security check and then can run away with ease; the hotel staff trust anyone walking to them and open doors for them and answer suspicious questions without being alarmed or calling the police; someone can just run past the train ticket counter; the train staff doesn’t check the bathrooms; you can easily run away from the hospital room while being put there by security services, etc. Was the world much more relaxed and people naïver back then? Or perhaps the movie creates an unreal world for its story? What do you think?