MovieChat Forums > Journey to the Center of the Earth Discussion > Journey To The Centre Of The Earth(Best ...

Journey To The Centre Of The Earth(Best film ever made)?

I rate Journey of the centre of the earth very high, i have seen very good films, and i think this one deserves a mention for what a great performance we see from James Mason at his very best, and Pat Boone does a very good job. I never get bored with the film, and i have forgotten how many times i have seen it?. It deserves a special edition dvd?.


I would vote for it.



Journey to the centre of the earth was OK, but Journey to the CentER of the Earth was far superior ;-)

All kidding aside, I agree with you completely. None of the remakes have come close to being as enjoyable even after 49 years.


It is a grand movie! As kid I was dazzeled by the caves with all the colorful jeweled gems or minerals or whatever they were.. To this day I'm a cave freak. I still love watching this movie. I liked it with the woman coming on the journey. Why not, she was carrying on her late husband's work as well as paying for it and it made it more interesting for girls..It takes me back to that same kid feeling I felt back then.


Best film ever made? Hardly... but I loved this when I saw it as a kid in the theater, and always enjoy it when it's on TV... especially on cable without cuts and commercials.
It is great fun and truly better than any that have come after. The scenes in the jeweled cavern were fantastic, and the underground sea was pretty darn cool.
I've read many of the Jules Verne stories but never this one, so I don't know how close (not too, I'm guessing) this is to the original story. But none the less it is a classic film.

Step on it! And don't spare the atoms!


it isnt very close to the original at all, but still a good movie

in the book, there weren't any giant lizards ( I think, its been a while since I read it ), the main explorers were German, and none of them were women. Plus, I don't think there was a lost city (but I could be wrong) and they had a good long journey on the underground ocean which I don't think was in the movie...

like I said, though, its a good movie, but I think the book is better (who cares though)


It was one of the better kid's movies. I think it was my favorite kid's movie. Yes, the caverns were thrilling to see. I still enjoy watching it. To this day I do cave exploring probably because of that movie. I have seen some cool caves but nothing like that!


You're not the only one who turned to caving after seeing this movie (in a theater no less). I'm a longtime member of the NSS, a US caving society. I've never seen dinosaurs in a cave, though bones of extinct animals are found now and then, and there are other critters that inhabit caves. I've also never seen Atlantis either. One of the strange questions I hear from people who don't go underground is whether I've found jewels in caves, and I wonder if this movie is to blame.


I love it, very nostalgic, but it holds up well in these days of shrill headache inducing action movies. There's a lot going on, great to look at (not just Arlene Dahl, the sets too), clever and witty script, and simply never lets up. If you check out the plot summary of the book on Wikipedia, you'll see that the movie is not that far off from the book. The only major difference is in the competing scientists and Atlantis. This is the only movie I've ever seen with a lizard-cam shot, from inside the mouth! And back in '59! So nutty, yet really fun.


yeah, it´s great...i specially love it when they discover the sea..and there´s enough light as if they were outside...


I remember watching this film on tv when i was about 9 or 10.Me and my school friends were talking in class about this film and our teacher told us that the book was sitting behind us on the book shelf.Mad stampede for it.Chairs ,tables, bodies flying everywhere in the rush.Lol.Great film ,and great book.Hope the remake is good.


when was the last time you watched this? (that might explain it)


This is a good movie.


yeah, 50 years ago it was...


Still is. Sorry buddy and I'm not somebody that grew up with this film. I saw it the first time this year. I don't have a shallow ass perception of film that only current day movies are good. Get a brain.


so you don´t think this film is dated?

coz that's pretty obvious that it is...


Films that are coming out now are dated. Get over it. I find it intersting in that the effects are done differently from how they would be done now. Sorry, but I get really tired of Computer effects because they are "pretty obvious" just in a different way. Also, annoyed that everybody making films has seemingly turned off their brains and gone the cheap rhoute with those effects. You really need to broaden your scope of film. It's "pretty" limited. If the story is good; and the acting and directing is good; that's what counts.


depends of the effects

Blade Runner and The Crow still have effects that are not dated.


Quit beating a dead horse. "Blade Runner" is a good film. I will vouch for that. Are the effects dated by your "Oh my god if it isn't CGI, it's no good" standards? Yes. As far as "The Crow". . . Sucked, so why are we discussing it anyway? You obviously missed the point.


you´re not getting me, are ya?

- Not a big CGI supporter myself...for example, until the big CGI fest at the end of the first hellboy I was very excited with that film;

- I'm not talking about the quality of Blade Runner or Thr Crow...i'm talking about the quality of their FX's (demonstrated through their longivity). Would care to explain to me the parts in The Crow where the CGI effects are dated?

- Another example of perfect FX's: Jurassic Park...13 years after it's been relesead, it still looks like it came out yesterday;

see where I'm getting at?


No, it doesn't look like it came out yesterday buddy(The scene with the brontosaurus when they first get to the island are particulary fake). Do I like "Jurassic Park"(1st one that is)? Yes. The idea is to do good and interesting work. I would not say "The Crow" has had any longevity at all. You are obviously just trying to degrade a movie based on shallow, insignificant criteria. The effects in the first "Spider Man" were obviously not that real looking, but you still liked the movie because it had good characters and a good story. Now ya gettin' me???


the chase scene with the t-rex with group in the truck has great cgi effects

You are obviously just trying to degrade a movie based on shallow, insignificant criteria- we were talking about cgi effects..."buddy". The crow's CGI effects are still one of the best ever made...and the film's budget? 5 million dollars. (1/4 of will smith's usual sallary)

The effects in the first "Spider Man" were obviously not that real looking, but you still liked the movie because it had good characters and a good story. - i agree.


NO we're talking about "Journey to the Centre of the Earth" and the fact that it is still a good movie because it has a good story, characters and directing, while you were slamming it based on some dumb crap about it having dated effects. I'm saying that doesn't matter. Now whether or not "Journey to the Centre of the Earth" is the best movie ever made? Wouldn't get my vote. When you get into people's "favorite" movie you really get primarily into their pshyche, personal experiences, interests or in some cases-how they want other people to view them. An example of that is that a bunch of film critics got together and hailed on and on about "Citizen Kane" and how it is the best movie ever made. You don't know how many "film" types I've met that shout about this being the best movie ever, yet nothing else in their collection of movies is anywhere in the area of that movie. I guess to be a real "film" person you gotta' say that one is the best and your favorite. I don't get it. I think it is a good movie, but not the best and by far not my favorite. My favorite movie is "The Exorcist." I'm guessing that your favorite is "The Crow", but could be wrong in that it is just one of your favorites; that category I have hundreds of. I am always intrigued to see older effects driven movies because it is refreshing and interesting to see different methods of creation. Regardless, they have to have a good story, characters or some driving factor beyond just effects. A real good example of effects just over running a film and not much else would be the remake of "The Haunting." Really bad movie. The only thing that I can say that I liked about that movie is the sets they built for it.


the acting in the film could've been better, as for the fact that the inside sea looks exactly like the normal ocean (which raises a couple questions regarding the lighting...)

obviously a film that relies heavily in effects (like this one), looses certain value with time as those same effects get dated...that's freakin' obvious!!!

i don't have a favorite film...the crow is very high on my list as Mar Adentro, El Orfanato, The Great Ditactor, Sin City, Mulholland Drive, and many other do as well.

The Exorcist is a very special film from childhood...but it's a bit dated nowadays (for the same reasons as the film we've been discussing).

yes, the remake of the hauting is horrible...if it wasn't for the title i wouldn't even recognize the similarities between them.


Oh now it's the acting in the film to pretend as if you were looking at other things.
Well you are talking about acting and then going on about "The Crow." Come on. Brandon Lee was a horrible actor that only got jobs because of his daddy.

With you whole dated effects arguement. . . Sorry when something looks just as fake in a different way, it doesn't make effects from one time to another better. CGI crap looks just as fake, just in a different way and they're cheap too. Sorry. You are not going to win that one.

The way you are looking at film seems very high school mentatlity. How old are you?


Wow...lots of comments here, glad to see them. Picked up a copy at Wal-Mart, just watched it...first time ever in wide screeen, still good. Wide screeen doesn't really add that much, but nice to see the whole thing. Good cast...still enjoyable...haunting Herrmann score adds reality and credibilty.
Among the better sci-fi ever made...might have more.



I look at everything in a film. Sorry if that makes you a bit confused instead of using the usual paramaters suck/doesn't suck.

Brandon Lee never gave great perfomances...until The Crow.

actually, a lot of times you're watching films without even realising that they have CGI on it (like correcting lights, erasing props from scenes, etc)...that's how fake they can be (yes, sarcasm). What am I saying here? there's a place for everything...good stopanimation, CGI or no effects at all.

instead of giving you my age, i'll give ya my academic and professional background:

- 2 film degrees;
- 2 years working for a major film web site;
- 1 performance degree;
- close to 20 masterclasses and workshops;

- I've been working in the "film biz" for 6 years now. Last year i was working for a production company as their full time editor;
- This year, i'm already working full time as free lancer (camera operator, editor and directing);

enough 4 ya?

and your cv, please....


Somehow I don't believe you! Gee, I wonder why? And no Brandon Lee was never a good actor. Even more sorry!

You can list out masterclasses and workshops to describe yourself as a failed actor. All of your degrees don't seem to be getting you very far and yes your mentality is high school age for somebody supposedly so educated in film.

I don't need to list my creds to "ya." Just know I work in the "biz" myself enough to know there are a ton of *beep* out there, such as yourself. I find it really funny- you listing out the "unknown" uses of CGI to me. That's really awesome!


don't have to believe me...just ask me something a media professional would know.

(for the last time)Brandon Lee was never a good actor...until The Crow

i'm not an actor, i'm a editor/director...READ correctly, for god's sake.

All of your degrees don't seem to be getting you very far - how come? i have my own sucessfull small production company allowing to support myself entirlley and invest in other small projects (at the moment i'm in holuidays..and i got 4 projects on my hands)...and i'm not even 30. how many people do you know that have this track reccord? I'm not amazing, but i'm also not this looser you tried to pin on me.

but you did ask my "creds"..funny enough when it came to your turn, you got yellow....maybe you don't have anything to show...that's why...

obviously you're not that much inside....the biz...otherwise you would already know those uses of CGI.

have a nice life.


I don't know of any of your projects. You just went from being an editor to camera operator, to now owner of your own production company. Sorry, but no I don't believe you. I didn't turn yellow; Just don't need to list my creds to a liar. You can try to build yourself up with all the phoney nonsense to make yourself feel better. You know the truth or have you deluded yourself. Again, wow thanks for the CGI updates! WAS SOOOOO unaware!!!! HAHAHAHA! Seriously, get a life. Lets check out your website. . .Ouch!


i work professionally for other people as editor/camera operator and I have my own production company wich has an average of 3-4 projects/month. My academic background allows me to work in many fields in media without any trouble. For example, very soon will be entering a tv production as a sound tech.

i don't need to build sh* asked, i answered. i ran away. If you ask me, you're probably the one who's still in high school...

i don't need to feel better, just some time off! lol i got too much work! this' suppose to be my holidas, and i'm still working!

if you think i'm gonna give my website to a kid like you...dream on, kid.


HAHAHAHA! You are too funny and so full of it making it even funnier! Still don't believe you. Sorry. "See how they Run!!!"


I'm the one who doesn't believe you! you're in this biz? what do you do? deliver coffee to the actors?


As a fan of both Journey to the Center of the Earth and The Crow, I personally like their approach to special effects for the same reason: namely, they both utilize multiple effects mediums to get the job done. The filmmakers utilize matte paintings, miniatures, sets, CGI (in the case of The Crow), special makeup, and practical effects, all of which are supported by complementary cinematography. I agree that the overuse of CGI in today's filmmaking world has become rather annoying. I think CGI has its place, but so do all of the other types of effects that have all but died out. The only recent films I can think of that maximize their use of every type of special effect are the Lord of the Rings movies, which are similar to Journey to the Center of the Earth in their approach. Sure, hand-drawn matte paintings have been replaced by CGI matte paintings, but the general idea is the same. Journey to the Center of the Earth may seem "dated" in that it doesn't look the same as films coming out now, but I think the effects are just as effective and well-implemented. Maybe it's some sort of misplaced nostalgia for a time of filmmaking that I never lived during (I'm 21 right now), but I find old fashioned fantasy/adventure films just as (if not more) imaginative and entertaining as the good ones being made today. I find myself fascinated by how they achieved amazing sights without the help of computers. And lastly, I just like to imagine myself in a packed movie theater watching something fantastic unfold before my eyes in glorious Cinemascope. But I digress. I love Journey; I love The Crow; I think both have some amazing effects, regardless of when they were made.

"I grew up watching TV and I turned out TV." - Homer Simpson


This film is fantastic with superb performances all round - Mason, Dahl, Peter Ronson who never pronounces a word of English (except for the final scene) and the excellent Thayer David as villain Sarkussen. If this were a modern film with state of the art CGI it would be in the IMDB top 250 with no problem especially compared with some of the krap that appears in that list.
There are a lot of flaws and factual errors, but who cares this is a class movie based on a classic movie and Hollywood ever runs out of ideas it can look back at this one and try again.


When i started this thread by saying this was the best film ever made. Im not going on the fact of how good it is more to do with how enjoyable and funny it is. Not least with the way the story unfolds and the great acting. James Mason rarely looked better. And i just find i can watch it again with no problem. I have seen the new JTTCOTE and its not in the same league. What with the fact that the special effects are so good in 1959 when you consider they were not around in 1959?. It deserves to be talked about and by the way so many people have replied to my first message it must be good?.


For years i rated this my all-time movie fave !


loses not looses GN oh I get it! We're not supposed to post unless we agree with you!

suzycreamcheese RIP Heath Ledger 1979-2008


How come you call him "buddy"?

RIP Heath Ledger 1979-2008


On the old Dick Van Dyke Show, Laura Petrie (Rob's wife) was at the office. Buddy, I think, posed the question, "Why do people want to get to the center of the earth?"
Laura said, "To see if it's cherry or chocolate cream!"


Hardly, what with including idiotic subplots book never made/

Applied Science? All science is applied. Eventually.


That Boone guy does a "very good job" at precisely one thing in the movie - quitting his silly howling he was prone to, after he got underground. Early on it seemed it`d become a real horrorshow, with that nitwit bursting into song every five minutes. So, for most of the film, he was quite tolerable, as wooden as his acting mostly was.

But "best film ever made"... lol. It was unbad, though. Pretty entertaining.

"facts are stupid things" - Ronald Reagan


"The United States has much to offer the third world war." --Ronald Reagan, speaking in 1976 about third-world countries; he repeated the error nine times in that same speech.


Journey to the Center of the Earth (1959):

Very good film.

Best version of this story? Yes.

Best film ever made? I appreciate the OP's enthusiasm, but he really can't be serious.

By the way, since no one else has seen fit to do so over seven years, I'm fixing the spelling of the OP's thread title. It's "CENTER", not "CENTRE". That's the British spelling. This is an American film. Look at how it's spelled in the film's own credits. Center.

🌍 🌎 🌏 🌋
