It's available on Blu-Ray from Movies Unlimited!

Happy Easter!🐰🌈


It's available from Screen Archives for $10 less -- as noted in my post of a few weeks ago, above. $29.99 vs. MU's $39.99, which is the case for all Twilight Time releases. Plus TT releases are available earlier from SAE than MU (or Amazon, where prices are even higher).


Oh okay, thanks, for letting me know! ξ€…

I have yet to see the movie all the way though!

The funniest line is when he says in his library, "Woman!" 

Happy Easter!🐰🌈


Happy spring! πŸ’

I hope you didn't buy it from MU, though it sounds like you have. I do a lot of business with them, but you have to be careful on prices and shop around.

I have yet to see the movie all the way though!

Have you never seen this movie? If so, I'm glad you're enjoying it. It is good.


by hobnob53 Β» 4 hours ago (Thu Mar 19 2015 18:22:44) Flag β–Ό | Reply |
IMDb member since April 2006
Happy spring! πŸ’

I hope you didn't buy it from MU, though it sounds like you have. I do a lot of business with them, but you have to be careful on prices and shop around.

No, I haven't bought the movie, yet. ξ€…

I rented it, a few years ago, through interlibrary loan FOR FREE, but I NEVER did finish it. ξ€œ

I got to the part where they're in the cave & that's as far as I got.

Happy Spring to you too!

Spring is MY favorite season! ξ€…

Happy Easter!🐰🌈


This BR is a fully restored 4k resolution scan, created in 2015. IT IS STUNNING! no flaws, and you almost think you're there half the time! Looks better than a fresh print of the film back when it came out!

make sure you have the 1959 Twilight Time version, licensed from 20 Century Fox for $29.95


cool ξ€…

thanks, for your feedback! ξ€Ή

It's a good thing!-Martha Stewart
