Isaac5855 wrote on (Fri Jun 15 2007 12:08:51)
I'm sorry, but I have just the opposite reaction to this film...this film makes me giggle from the beginning to end...from the plastic performances of Lana Turner, John Gavin, and Sandra Dee, the lecherous agent played by Robert Alda, the over-top silliness of Susan Kohner's performance, to the hilarious histrionics of the funeral scene you just described...the only classy thing about this film is Juanita Moore's performance, which is perfection. Otherwise, this film is a big guilty pleasure that makes me laugh every time I watch it.
YES. It's all soap, fabulously over the top. I differ with you on only one point: I think Susan Kohner did a superb job, too, and her scenes with Moore are the only ones I can't help but simmer down and really watch with respect.
Then Lana the Original Drag Queen sweeps back in wearing another glorious outfit and starts chewing the scenery, and the trite dialogue returns, with that whack-you-over-the-head score to back it up, and I'm off again!
This is practically two different movies where two casts accidentally intermingle.