"People should not be sent to jail for questioning the authenticity of a diary."
Don't twist my words. I never said that they should pal. I believe in free speech. I just don't believe in this sick-minded drool that your trying to pass off about the holocaust and I've already addressed these issues about Anne Frank with you over and over and you keep twisting the issue or changing the subject or making the same lame comments.
"Especially in countries that call themselves "democracies".
I agree. Free speech has to rule in a free nation. Take the problem up with those countries. not me. I NEVER said I was in favor of that. You just keep going off message and sending me the same nonsense about the subject at hand.
"You bring out the clichéd accusation that anyone who doesn't buy the holocaust propaganda is a "nazi". "
Yeah you betcha. The fact that you call it propaganda is the sickening in of itself. One quarter of my whole extended family was wiped out. Great-grandparents, uncles, aunts and cousins and all their families. It was as if they were all here one day and gone the next. To call it propaganda, let alone the horrific crap you try to pass off as fact is beyond words. There are still people in who are still uncovering mass graves of Jews and many others that were not ever recorded. This whole line of thought is just crazy.
You don't question the millions of Germans, Russians, Chinese, Japanese etc who were killed, but the Jews, yes.
If you have a problem with the state of Israel, I get it. As a Jew, I have for years actively protested the horrors perpetrated by the Zionist movement and the government of Israel. But they are not representative of all Jews and even if they have gone off the rails and have indeed tried to cover their actions by exploiting the death of Jews in the camps, it, it has nothing to do with the actual loss of millions of people in the camps of Jews, Poles, Catholics, Priests, Nuns, Gypsies, Homosexuals, etc.
"For your information there are Jews who are holocaust revisionists"
OMG, I've seen and read and heard this before. And at best your point is purely bad sophistry worthy of the old tired commercials that used to claim that 4 out of 5 doctors say that smoking cigarettes is good for you, lol.
Do all Christians agree on key issues of their history? All Muslims? Republicans? Democrats, lol? Why do you even begin to think that a few Jews thinking as you do, makes this nonsense a truth? It's crazy. I and the rest of my family and numerous people that I know suffered from the insanity of the camps. All us Jews didn't meet in a private room and ask our family members to just disappear off the face of the earth! The holocaust survivors just didn't get together in all the many camps and say, hey let's exaggerate this and get some attention. The soldiers that liberated the camps and saw all the dead bodies and the near dead and starved and ill didn't just get together and conspire. That is insane!
Do you have a problem with Israel using it as an excuse to continue to do terrible things? Go for it I agree. I also feel that Israel should not have been created as it was. There were many Jews who were against that as well, Like I said we all don't move in lock step---- Neither did the Germans.