According to Paul Picerni (who plauyed Lee Hobson) in his oustanding autobiography publihsed in 2007, the real reason for the ending of the show was: (1) the show was not makine any money, as the costs of Desilu in producing each episode (about $65,000-75,000) were about the aame or exceeded the revenue it brought in from ABC to the studio. Desilu saw that it could earn more money throuhg syndication of reruns, but a clause in its contract prevented it from showing any reruns while the show was still active. In fact, the reruns were pehnominally successful in earning revenue; they made a lof money for the studio and for the actors. I think we should take Picerni's view as the accurate one; he would know.
The Italian surnames were ereduced after year 1. However, I saw no reduction in the violence and gun play or any softening of Ness's character. I don't recall Barbara Stanwyck in season 4, but according to Picerni, season 4 suffered because of an arrogrant and incompetent producer who wanted to focus much more on Ness and less on the other untouchables and the guest stars. For example, there were fewer appearances of Bruce Gordon as Frank Nitti.
I don't think political correctness had anyhting to do with the shortening of the show, although it did cause changes.