The comedic episodes weren't that good
do you agree.
shareI agree completely. The worst was "The Bard." Some people hate "Cavender Is Coming", but I have a soft spot for it because of Carol Burnett and Jesse White.
shareAgreed, Jennie. I have a soft spot myself for “Showdown With Rance McGrew.” Where else can you see a bumbling idiot bent on taming the west behind the wheel of a 1962 Thunderbird? Tune in next week, won’t you, when our hero at last discovers the answer to that eternal question: “Who put whiskey in my ginger ale???!!!”
The preceding endorsement was brought to you by the Vast Wasteland Realty Company of Flatbush, Tombstone, and Walla Walla.
ha ha! Doug, I like Larry Blyden, so I can tolerate “Showdown With Rance McGrew.”
shareWait! Are you the same person who was Jennie_Portrait on IMDb? If so, I remember you! Don't recall on which board(s) we met tho.
shareYes, I am. I think we "met" on the Forsyte Saga IMDb board. Someone (Hilaryjrp) threw a hissy fit at the use of acronyms.
I was surprised because what had been a discussion between erudite people quickly devolved into the rantings of a man-hater.
Now I remember. Yes, it was the Forsyte Saga board. I remember Hilary (who made her way here, but I believe she left), but not her getting upset at the use of acronyms.
It was such a great board! CakesAndAle is another erudite poster who was there. Furienna found her way here too. Do you remember her?
Ah well, there were the man-haters who despised Soames, and the woman-haters who despised Irene. Neither appreciated how finely nuanced either character was.
Yes, I liked CakesandAle-- love any reference to Somerset Maugham.
This is off-topic for the TZ board, but I just find the differences between the 1960's version and the 2000's version of the Forsyte Saga to be very striking. For me (as female) it gets down to how attractive the actor playing Soames was. Eric Porter was a terrific actor-- but physically repulsive. Damian Lewis, was also a great actor, but super good looking. Also, the actress playing Irenie in the 2000's version was not very good.
Regarding Hillary and her anger at acronyms this is an actual quote (which BTW also shows her man-hating):
I find the use of acronyms almost always indicates the user thinks little of me--certainly on this subject, this sensitive subject (and you were the first to use this millennial-speak). If it counts, I never married nor lived with a man outside marriage, and do not understand the mindset of 99.9% of members of my sex who can tolerate marriage's requirements for the female partner, which necessitate trafficking in her body and hers alone.
I'm going to take the meat of this over to The Forsyte Saga board in response to your reply there. I also love Maugham and think I was predisposed to like her because she chose that as her name :). It was a pleasure to read her insightful and intelligent posts on that board.
Oh yes, now I remember that post. I was puzzled by her taking offense, assuming somehow the use of acronyms had to do with what someone thought of her, and that they're somehow the province of millennials. She struck me as someone who'd had some very bad experiences with men, and related a great deal to Irene's plight.
You are very compassionate. I just dismissed her as being a lunatic... Yes, let's move to the Forsyte Saga board.
shareI don't remember any comedic episodes, so I'll agree they weren't good.
shareSome didn't work so well. I like Frisby though, and Dingle. The latter being more semi-comedic I guess. Sure there are more not coming to my head. I do think the more dramatic ones worked best as a whole though.
share"Frisby" is my favorite comedic episode. The Dingle episode wasn't terrible, thanks mainly to Burgess Meredith and Don Rickles, but they should have stuck with dramatic episodes.
shareAgreed, never been a fan of any of them.
sharethey also seemed out of place.
shareWhat about "Will The Real Martian," "Penny for you Thoughts" and "A Kind of Stopwatch"?
shareall are quaint.
shareWhat about "Time Enough"? Until the bomb drops it's essentially a sitcom.
The humor in "Time Enough," "Martian" and "Stoppwatch" makes the audience think they're watching light entertainment ... only to be sucker punched by incredibly nihilistic twists. I think the endings of these episodes save them from being quaint; in fact, their endings make them feel quite modern.