The Bewitchin' Pool

Looking past its many, many production problems and flaws, I really like this story. It certainly could have been better executed and I don't think it is the best note on which to end the show, but on a basic level, I do think it has a good plot.

What say you? And which episode would you have chosen as the series finale?


Good episode to end with? The Hunt.


"Stopover In A Quiet Town." A mix of iconic episodes including "Five Characters In Search Of An Exit," "The Invaders," and the pilot episode "Where is Everybody"; it brings the series full circle.

"The Hunt" tackles one of "Zone"'s pet themes -- death -- and does so with warmth and hope; its familiarity and elegiac tone would have been an ideal way to send off the show (either that or the equally comforting, death-themed "Nothing In The Dark").


"Pool" feels like a kiddie version of "Willoughby."


I never thought about that, but you're right.


Both "Pool" and "Willoughby" seem to be saying (and, personally, while I enjoy "Pool" more than I used to, "Willoughby" says it much more eloquently) that Paradise comes with a price.


"The Encounter" would have been my own choice to end the series with I think. I also agree with you about "The Bewitchin' Pool." As far as storylines go it's not bad at all.


While "The Time Element" is not an episode of "The Twilight Zone" there's no doubt the buzz it generated led Serling to create "TZ." And since Pearl Harbor figures heavily in both "Element" and "The Encounter" I'd say the latter brought "TZ" back to its roots and would have made a decent capper to "TZ."


I never disliked this episode. Was it a terrible way end to the series? Sure. But despite its issues, this is an enjoyable episode with a fairly fascinating premise in my eyes. The performance by the lovely Dee Hartford as Mrs. Sharewood is also a good one.

As for a better conclusion to the series (from season 5), either "A Stopover in a Quiet Town" or "Number 12 Looks Just Like You" would have been fine episodes to end things with. If you ask me, they both provide "things and ideas" The Twilight Zone is best remembered for.... And more importantly, they're well-executed.


I agree completely.
