MovieChat Forums > The Young Lions (1958) Discussion > Starring Marlon Brando as....

Starring Marlon Brando as....

...the nazi with a heart-o-gold.

"Concentration camps? I no nothing of zeez concentration camps. I thought ve vere sending zem to a nice farm in ze country where zey have plenty of room to frolic and play."-Lt. Christian Diestl

God, please save me from your followers!


Well, this is a propaganda film that shows how EEEVIL Nazism is and how it can trick even good people into participating. If it wasn't so heavy on the propaganda it would have been a nice concept. Having read the book, it not only stands out to me how in it Christian's evolution was way different (from loathing war and Nazism he went to being a remorseless killing machine) but also how it so heavy-handedly demonstrates the faults of Nazism while hypocritically tiptoeing around most of the faults of the American side of the war that Shaw depicted in his novel. The film was heavily Hollywoodised and even had Ackerman survive so that the ending would be happy for the Amercans and the message that war is bad for EVERYONE was lost. Btw, did anyone else notice that abot 70% of the names in the main titles were either Jewish or German? And the director was of Russian descent.

I'm here, Mr. Man, I can not tell no lie and I'll be right here 'till the day I die


Do you think that the American side and the German side were roughly equal in terms of morality? Because the point of your post seems to be that the Germans were not as bad as we make them out to be and the Americans were far worse than we make them out to be. So my question is how far you intend to carry this point.

You write "EEEVIL Nazism" as if it is a comical exaggeration to regard Nazism as evil. If, among other things they did, rounding up and murdering 6 million Jews does not warrant the monicker "evil", then nothing does.

