I would really prefer it if the current project to remake it stop.
Make new stories!
Oh, there's just no stopping these studios with their wacky ideas.
Take solace in this:
In "Hitchcock world," THESE remakes were announced years ago, and never made:
The Birds...with Naomi Watts and George Clooney (for producer Michael Bay)
Strangers on a Train...with Denzel Washington (for Denzel's favorite director Antonine Fuqua)
To Catch a Thief(moved from France to Miami Beach)
To Catch a Thief(gender switch, from Cary Grant to Gal Gadot)
So maybe Vertigo never gets remade.
On the other hand we DID get these remakes:
Psycho(by Gus Van Sant): Flopped.
A Perfect Murder (from Dial M): Made a little money, no big deal.
Rear Window: A terrible, cheap TV movie version with Christopher Reeve. James Stewart was to GET OUT of his wheelchair, he was only wearing a temporary cast; Reeve never got out of his chair.
Here's hoping the Vertigo remake goes the way of The Birds, but it won't have much impact if it is made. Its not 1958 anymore. And Vertigo was pretty much a flop in 1958.
If it IS remade, they'd better re-orchestrate Bernard Herrmann's 1958 score. Vertigo is NOT Vertigo without that score.
Yeah, those all sound pretty awful. We can hope.
I like Hitchcock land though. Hitchcockia? :)