MovieChat Forums > Vertigo (1958) Discussion > James Stewart as Hitchcock

James Stewart as Hitchcock

His character has the same obsession with blondes that Hitch had, which makes it hard for me to like some of his films. Tippi Hendren? C'mon. She had blond hair but couldn't act her way out of a birdcage. Marnie is a film about Tippi and the color red. Grace Kelly was a good actress, but underused by Hitch because he was so blinded by what he thought was the ideal woman. (Rear Window being an exception because she was allowed to act in that film). I love Hitch and I think I have seen all of his available films going back to the silents, but I can't stand Vertigo and don't understand the high rating it gets. To me it's a documentary about Hitch doing wardrobe fittings for his ice queens. Oh, and Kim Novak can't act either. Too bad Vera Miles got pregnant. She was the best actress of the bunch.


Aw, come on -- now, tell us what you really think of those girls! 


OK. I think two of them were very bad actresses but Hitch was so blinded by what he thought was perfect beauty that he couldn't see their limitations. Did he ever make a film where the leading lady was a brunette? I mean, after Rebecca, when he had complete artistic control?


I find it hard to accept the idea that Hitchcock "couldn't" see the limitations of an actress -- after all those years in film and the theatre.

I think all the actresses you mention did fine work in the Hitchcock films they appeared in. Of course, their looks were important to Hitch as well. Looks, in casting a role, are of no little importance to any director, especially in film. I would suggest, further, that Novak's role in Vertigo was, by far, the most demanding. She did a great job -- imo. . . (And, the fact that I've been in love with her since I was ten has nothing to do with my judgement in the matter. )


Tippi Hendren was a great actress?


Hmmm . . . who said that?

(Btw, a "fine" job doesn't necessarily make a "great" actress. It means a convincing performance.)


Tippi Hendren was a fine actress? In which films?


As I recall, you were talking about Marnie.


In Roar (1981) !!...


I've heard widely varying views on this point. In all honesty, I think Tippi was a cringe-worthy bad actress. I'm not blaming her. She was basically a model, and Hitchcock cast her based on looks. She managed okay in The Birds, because Melanie Daniels wasn't a particularly demanding role, but she was HORRENDOUSLY bad in Marnie. I've actually read people who say she deserved an Oscar for that role and I have no idea what they are talking about.
