2 things I did not get
There are two scenes in this movie that quite bothered me. The first one is right after they cross the first border with the three horses. After they leave( once Mifune has misguided the enemy into looking for the gold in the fortress and left) some soldiers come back to tell the guard at the border that the princess had been seen with 3 horses and 3 men. It can clearly be observed in the face of the guard that he has no doubt that the pesants that justa passed them had been the princess and her guards. now the question is, why didnt they go after them to capture them? i mean, they just had past like a minute before the soldiers arrived, how far could they get in a minute????
the other thing is after Mifune battles Tadokoro and leaves, no one chases him, they just let him go back. I found that weird as well. Anyone has any opinions why these two events where left like this?