Cast of millions?????

On the criterion DVD, they include the original trailer, where it is mentioned that this movie has a cast of a million. i'm having a hard time confirming that anywhere else. there is certainly a WHOLE lot of extras - but a MILLION???? can anybody else confirm this?


You don't think that it might be the advertisers way of "overstatement?" There were a lot of extras howvever.

"You can take your "Third Reich" and shove it up your ass!"



Perhaps it was simply a mis-translation. Japanese numbers and counters can be pretty confusing.





The trailer stated "five years in the making with a cast of one million people". Is 5 years also an exaggeration?


It's a wrong translation.
It's actually "a total of one million worker-days".

(This may still be an exaggeration, though.)


well,even for the small sets, there are at least 100 guys on set, each day. then all those guys working, in the studios, cutting, making the sound.

And also if you define 8hours=work day, and do the math,

Just as an example. 100-200 people, in 5 years = 350*5*100

Well I come to 350 000 working days, but of course all my numbers are taken out of thin air, but depending on the size of production and the length of shooting (often these big scenes with many extras take ages to do them fine)

If might add up to a million if it took 5 years, but I donĀ“t really think, this movie took 5 years to make


I'd say there were only 999,990 extras! Not a million!

