Saw this as a kid . . .

I saw this movie when I was a small child, and it gave me nightmares for weeks! The way he'd ooze onto a victim and leave just a crumpled pile of clothes had me convinced that he'd do the same to me. I had to sleep with my parents for awhile, and I'm sure they really appreciated that.


One of my children told me when he was older how the poster for 'It's Alive!" gave him the creeps. Not the movie -- the POSTER! My youngest son was given the willies by the cover for the record album Meet the Beatles. He was six. He used to turn it around because he thought they were staring at him.

For me, maybe it was another slimey creature, The Blob. There was a boy wearing a striped shirt in the movie theater scene that looked like my older brother and I was afraid for him. I had to wait until it was shown on TV to find out if he made it or not. It worried me.

It is funny how things like that impress us and leave an impression. The new Boogy Men were on the screen.


You're not kidding!I saw this when I was maybe 6 or 7.I remember lying in bed, staring at the crack of light under the bedroom door, waiting for IT to come and dissolve me!How the heck I was allowed to watch this at that age beats me.Ahh,good times!


This is so awesome. I thought I was the only one. I saw this when I was 6 and it scared the living daylights out of me. I've been trying to download a copy of it but can't find it. I wonder why this was so creepy. I really would like to see this again


Wow! I am glad to find that I'm not the only one who remembers being terrified by this movie. I saw it on television as a kid (6-7) and thought it was the scariest movie I had ever seen. At least one subsequent viewing made it less frightening but I would LOVE to see it again. It looks like nobody knows how to find it or if it is even available on video or DVD. I'd appreciate hearing from anyone who has a lead on finding this very memorable, one-time scary movie. I suspect I'd get a good laugh seeing it as a 50 year old!


I have never seen H-Man, but my dad has told me many stories about how it was the most terrifying thing he has ever seen. How I long to see this film!!


Now I kind of wish I had seen this as a kid. I saw it a few days ago at age 27 and it didn't have much of an effect on me (I thought it was a fun movie but not scary), but it probably would have had a bigger impact on me as a kid with a kid's imagination.
