Burl Ives, nice eyebrows
Anyone else notice Rufus Hannassey's eyebrows?
I've never seen anything like that in my entire life.
Get out the weed-whacker.
Anyone else notice Rufus Hannassey's eyebrows?
I've never seen anything like that in my entire life.
Get out the weed-whacker.
Really? Then THIS might interest you:
http://clermontsun.1upmonitor.com/main.asp?SectionID=34&SubSection ID=143&ArticleID=8977&TM=73787.19
Whatever you do, DO NOT read this sig--ACKKK!!! TOO LATE!!!
Hard not to notice Ives' bushy eyebrows. Andy Rooney and Leonid Brezhnev had some impressive ones too.
http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://blog.kievukraine.info/uploa ded_images/4369-770204.jpg&imgrefurl=http://philliesnation.com/arc hives/2011/12/dr-strangeglove-leonid-brezhnev-general-manager/&h=3 01&w=400&sz=34&tbnid=TepC1N0m4dkywM:&tbnh=90&tbnw= 120&zoom=1&docid=CxBRp-onrnof6M&hl=en&sa=X&ei=E3dV T7vIB-WXiQKH0YG3Bg&ved=0CEkQ9QEwBA&dur=392oviet premier
Those were FAKE eyebrows, pasted on! Burl Ives' natural eyebrows were perfectly normal looking.
shareYeah you're right, for the Rufus character he had them augmented but normally they certainly didn't approach Brezhnev proportions!
shareCome to think of it, the eyebrows were probably for the purpose of making Ives look older than he actually was (48 or 49) during production.
Okay folks, show's over, nothing to see here!