Isak not Evald's Father

I was thinking. When The Examiner takes Isak to see his wife and the man having an affair The Examiner says it's 1917. Marianne says that Evald is 39 and the movie was released in 1957.

So chances are he is the issue of his mother's affair.


That´s a good observation but the doubts about Isak´s paternity are explicitly stated by Evald during his discussion with Marianne. it is also the reason why Evald doesn´t want to have a child at all.


Oh. I got into the movie late so I didn't get that.


Yep, there's a scene where Evald specifically states that he doesn't think Isak is even his father. Think it was either during the argument scene in the rain or later on when they met at the hotel prior to Isak's presentation.
