Hilarious sight gag

This film contains the funniest sight gag I have ever seen:::

Mr. Arpel is wearing his robe and sits down. Their dog, Dacky , then appears, sitting near the chair. Note that the material of the robe and Dacky's little coat have the EXACT same pattern/material (and colors). I almost fell off my chair LMAO.

The dogs were consistently funny throughout, and I want to shake the hand of the dog trainer(s), as they did a marvelous, flawless job.

9/10 = Don't miss it!


Yes, that was hilarious. You almost don't catch it, but when you do, it's pretty funny.


The reason people "almost don't catch" gags in Tati's films is because Tati insisted on staging everything in long shots, which often buries the gags in visually bustling or highly production-designed frames, and denies the closeup reactions to embellish the gags. This, to me, makes his comedy a bit cold and aloof. Tati aficionados who maintain that viewers have to work harder to appreciate Tati's gags because they've been jaded by the styles of comedy that have followed in his wake (in which performers often expanded upon his gags) are too willing to overlook the fact that Tati's bag of tricks was rather limited, even obvious, despite his keen eye for visuals and cutting. Once other European comedians started absorbing/stealing/riffing on his style, and intercutting the long shots with medium shots and especially close-ups (to humanize their often similar characters, a la Python and even crass clowns like Benny Hill), THAT's when Tati's style really found a wide audience, but by then Tati himself had shot his financial wad on PLAY TIME and only had the so-so TRAFIC left in him before calling it a day.


I thought that was hilarious too. One thing that I read about the dogs was that they were not trained (except for the main one, Dacky), they were dogs that Jacques Tati had found at a pound and he just observed them and filmed them wandering around with no training or direction.

Another interesting note about the dogs, Jacques Tati found all of the dogs homes after filming rather than returning them to the pound.


Wow, no training. Dogs are so smart!! And that was really nice of Tati. Great dogs - I'm sure they all made their owners happy. Thanks for sharing that info.
