Hollywood should remake this
I think Nick Cage would make a good Hulot.
Seriously, though, I really liked this movie. Tati's comic timing, the great set design, and the observations on life all add up to make a great film.
The ending left me feeling sad. Anybody else feel this way? Despite the happy music, I didn't feel happy. Hulot's part of town getting torn down and Hulot leaving town without putting up any resistance (although I liked the transformation of the girl into the pretty young woman, and his reaction) was something of a downer. But I suppose it's the only ending that makes sense; inevitability of progress and all that.
Having seen Mon Oncle and M. Hulot's Holiday, I'm really looking forward to seeing Playtime next.
Some of my favourite moments from Mon Oncle:
M. Hulot in the modern kitchen
M. Hulot's bit of fisticuffs
The rascally kids playing tricks on the drivers