
The choreography for the dance routine fo Jailhouse rock is truely brilliant, and we get to see Elvis swivilling those hips, what more does a girl need?


I know, I loved that part too. That was the best scene from that movie and I love that song as well as the man.



Do u think thereĀ“s an"Elvis" nowadays??? I mean an equal...
I dont think so!


Whatever was said there, it's a good thing he/she deleted the post. I noticed a bitter scent of blasphemy in the air.


In "That's Entertainment III", there is a clip from a 1930 unfinished musical called "The March of Time". They show a scene called "The Lock-step", with a prison set, dancing cops and convicts, the whole bit. Struck me as similar to this scene in JR. The IMDB posting for TMOT is understandibly minimal; there is no director or correographer cited, but JR director Richard Thorp was working for MGM since 1927. Could it be, he worked on TMOT and used some of those ideas in JR? I think it's quite possible. JR coreographer Alex Romeo was only 17 in 1930 and is not credited with any work before the early 40s.
Curiously, TE III shows the scene from JR towards the end, but no mention of the tie. Still, I think it could be. Check both scenes out and post your ideas, please. I look forward to feedback on this.
