A fitting song for Judy

This movie has always made me a little sad to watch knowing that Elvis co-star Judy Tyler (23 yrs old) died days after finishing this movie and never got to see it. It's ironic that the beautiful song that Elvis sings, Your so young & beautiful, is how Judy is remembered. Every time I hear it, I think of her. Or if she is mentioned or Jail House Rock is going to be showing, I'll start humming it and think of her. The song & Judy have intertwined.


That's poignant;

-thanks for that-Judy was one of a kind !


I was thinking the same thing, movie was just on the other day on TCM, had not seen it in at least 10 years. So sad when you think how neither Judy or Elvis ever saw this beautiful movie.


I think of the song "Judy" from the album Something For Everybody. "Oh, please, come back I promise always to be true - Oh Judy, there'll never be anyone else here but you."

It was rare for an Elvis song to have a name in it, and the vocals on this track are impossibly smooth, it's so easy to listen to. Just like watching Judy Tyler in Jailhouse Rock.
Think about what you learned today. One: Don't screw with me. Two: Invite me... to your crap!
