MovieChat Forums > The Incredible Shrinking Man (1957) Discussion > Question for the ladies: If the cat ate ...

Question for the ladies: If the cat ate your man

If your boyfriend/husband/partner shrank (like in the movie) and got eaten by your pet cat.

What would you feel?

What would you do?

What would you say?



"Usually the pussy was eaten by him!"

Enter my contest! I need help for a new signature! Maybe I'll choose yours and you'll win a cash prize!



I would feel horrible, shocked and have the Cat's stomach pumped out, and keep the was my mistake not to have the Cat moved when my man shrunk....

"Sentiment comes easy at fifty cents a word."


More than a mistake. Couldn't the courts make a case for criminal negligence causing death?


I'd pat the cat on the head, give him a treat and say "good boy".


The cat had been outside. It slipped in when she left the front door open. Or for those who want to imagine the worse, she did it on purpose so she could collect the life insurance money...


Depends how close I am to the cat AND boyfriend. If we're talking about someone I love I'd be horrified.


Interesting thought here: If the cat ate the Incredible Shrinking Man, would the cat start shrinking???
