I just finished watching A Face in the Crowd. If I could sum up my experience watching this film in one word, it would be: WOW! A Face in the Crowd is a masterpiece and one of the greatest films of all time. Brilliantly directed by Elia Kazan, the films stars Andy Griffith in a fantastic, career best performance as Larry 'Lonesome' Rhodes, a drifter who rapidly ascends to become an influential radio and tv star. This film is more relevant now than when it first came out and has a lot of worthwhile things to say about the dangers of fame and power. The screenplay is exceptionally smart and sharply written. In addition to Griffith's powerhouse performance, Patricia Neal is great as the woman who first discovers Rhodes and falls under his spell. I really enjoyed the film. It was consistently entertaining, engaging and ranged from funny to sad to frightening and back again. I cared about the characters and was invested in what was happening. Even though Griffith's character acts like a jerk at times, I didn't completely hate him and even felt empathy towards him. I appreciated that he was written and portrayed as a complex, flawed character and he didn't come across as an over the top villain. A Face in The Crowd is without a doubt a must see film. 10/10