.... they probably wouldn't understand that Lonesome Rhoades was the forerunner of Beck, Hannity, Huckabee, O'Reilly, etc. They wouldn't understand that the joke is on them, that Rupert Murdoch is laughing all the way to the bank, that they're actually voting against their own economic interests when they listen to the advice of right-wing Fox demagogues.
In other words, the moral of this story would be lost on them ...
Of course the movie doesn't apply at all to Keith Olbermann, Chris Matthews, Dan Rather, Al Franken, Rachel Maddow, or any of the Kneepad Media news anchors et al, right? Liberal=progressive=socialist=communist.
Dan Rather? You're seriously gonna pick on him? Cause he actually reported the NEWS instead of sitting on his ass whining about liberals? Newsflash: Liberal=/=Progressive=/=Socialist=/=Communist.
Like the unauthenticated Air National Guard documents in the Bush hit piece Rather planned to air on CBS two days before the 2004 election so there wouldn't be time to find out if the documents were real before people went to vote. Doesn't sound like reporting NEWS to me, more like fabricating it in order to help swing the election to John Kerry. Once it was found out what CBS was trying to do and there were questions about the validity of the documents, they were forced to air the story about six weeks before the election, and Rather was forced out in disgrace from CBS as a result.
That's pretty minimal compared to the amount of BS right wingers tried to pull on John Kerry and his military service. But oh wait, its all BS right? He never served, I guess he's just a draft dodger like everyone else in the Bush administration.
actually i thought of this movie when george w. bush was on one of those shows & they asked him something about the financial crisis & he responded with 'well. i never trusted 'em. probably 'cause of how i was raised. being from west texas.'
just a crazy 'ole hunch. but i'd reckon' having your dad run the cia & be president of the usa influenced his worldview & understanding of the financial system much more than the lessons imparted upon him by his 5th grade social studies teacher.
Unauthenticated? Those N. G. documents were REAL, as they showed on the 20/20 special about it. If you noticed, they were all blacked out so nobody could read them---wonder why. They didn't fabricate a damn thing to sway any election, so get off that. The reality is, it wasn't determined whether Bush ever served his entire time in the service---hell, they could barely find more than five people (including his superior and his secretary) to prove that.
Liberals have a double standard. Whatever they do or say is right, whatever the conservatives do is wrong. This applies even if both sides are doing exactly the same thing. All too often they both are doing the same destructive things, unfortunately.
Ever wonder why both Bush and Obama have kept us at war all these years? The truth is neither has been in control. People like George Soros control world leaders. I believe Soros is senile now and that's why he's such a loose cannon that has blown his cover. Other billionaires bent on world domination have a much lower profile than he does.
Did u listen to the views expressed? Anti-social security , anti-pension, anti-government safety net programs. Lonesome Rhodes would be on Fox News. One could make a movie about the liberal side; but it's not this one.
------------------------------------------- C'mon, this is a bunch of crap. Beck doesn't hawk Enzyte like Roads did Vitajex. Beck took a lot of heat for pushing gold coins - now even the NYTs and major lib web sites advertise same. Beck has put a lot of time into research/preparation for his show (whether you agree with his conclusions or not is beside the point - I don't agree with him all the time either) unlike Rhodes who talked off the cuff - the epitome of the 'Used car Salesman' (no offense honest used car salesmen). He's admitted hes an ex alcoholic etc., and pretty much urges people to do their own research. Rhodes wouldn't have chanced doing this - he was all about control. I'm not a 'Beck Sheeple' and there have been plenty of times I've turned him off or just not listened. Yes, theres that touch of 'everyman' in his show but he has proved to be honest and ahead of the curve in more than one of his predictions. If you're a left wing lib of course you're gonna seize on the comparisons because you think anyones opinion other than your own has to be wrong - the epitome of todays lib. (while they scream 'Nazi' at everyone that doesn't agree with 'em). Add the Jimmy Stewart movie "The Mortal Storm" to your repertoire ...
BTW, I was listening to Beck when before he went 'political'. He was just a clown/joc that made me laugh. He didn't get into radio to pursue a career as political pundit - he gradually, over years, became more 'political' as the 'news' became more and more compelling. And if you think someone bank rolled his show for all those years just to set up a right wing 'sleeper' mouth piece then I think you need to take a break and clear your head(s). He has his opinions just like you or I. Doesn't make him anymore right or wrong than you or I. Jeeez, I remember a time when people understood others had their own opinions based on their own life experiences , eduction and personal philosophy and one respected the other whether you agreed with him/her or not and its 'ok' to call 'em every name in the book. Now a days if you don't speak Lib you must be a raving loon or a con artist. What, only Olbermann had a right to an opinion ? Scary times.Only a generation or so from the WWII days and it seems the lessons have all been forgotten. Sieg Heil.
The comparisons to FoxNews have nothing to do with opinion shows, which, naturally, span the political spectrum.
Why this movie applies to FoxNews is because the rich old white guy wants to influence a popular media blowhard who tries to portray himself as one of the common folk. There is no doubt that the movie portrays this as conservative propaganda. First, the old rich white guy 'general' disparages Marcia by saying left wing magazines are the only ones who don't agree with him. Therefore, logically, he is a conservative. There is no other way to spin that.
Also there is Lonesome Rhode's contempt for the Eastern, educated elite, personified by Mel. This is page 1 of the Republican handbook to demonize 'Liberal elite' and part of the whole conservative/common man distrust of education in general. This is the brand of conservatives who also deny science and are against teaching evolution and deny climate change.
Further, the faux religious stuff about the family that preys together stays together is a hallmark of right wing conservatism and could never be considered a leftist ideology.
Even liberals hate Keith Olbermann. He's described as arrogant, out of control, angry and hateful by many of those who have worked with him, and those who were his boss(es). He's been fired from so many places his resume must be 20 pages long.
Chris Matthews used to be at least partially fair but now he and his cohorts at the low rated MSNBC are nothing more than shrills for the Democrats. Fox News does have a conservative tilt, but then the country is (by every poll) center-right so they are just reflecting the country. That's why their ratings kick MSNBC & CNN combined. No other way to figure it...
Bingo, vestdennis. People who don't even watch Fox News think they have a handle on all the people who regularly tune in. Maybe they tune in because they distrust Fox less than they do other news stations. Whether one likes Fox News or not, its ratings do kick ass.
Oh, shove it. If anything, as a self-styled representative of the common working man, Rhodes was more a pandering Democrat demogogue than a conservative. The OP is no more than a typical liberal snob. I have 4 degrees. I am a Republican. Sometimes I watch Fox News. It's a lot easier to take than the baloney on MSNBC.
Before I came here tonight I was thinking I would find a Fox News Bashing thread. Thanks for not dissapointing me. But I was hopping for another thread if they were going to make a Remake who would you cast so I will put it out there in the Role of Mike Wallace I would cast Chris Wallace his son and Fox Sunday news host.
There is more Gravy about you then the Grave. Scrooge.
marcellis_robinson, You sir are what Stalin called "a useful idiot". Fox News is the only place where you can get the truth on TV. The Lamestream Media is just the Communications Arm of the Democrat (ie Socialist) Party.
This thread suggests to me that most of the people commenting have missed the point of AFITC: demagoguery whether it is biased to the left or right is to be utterly distrusted. Think for yourself and don't trust either the cynical bosses of places like MSNBC or FOxNews or the aw shucks men of the people who pretend to have anything but contempt for you.
If you trust FoxNews or MSNBC, you have missed the point of this film.